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Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rewording - Essay Example What was the degree of trouble of the performed medical procedure? Was the specialist not ready to execute the ...
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rewording - Essay Example What was the degree of trouble of the performed medical procedure? Was the specialist not ready to execute the medical procedure without causing the mishap? Or on the other hand, might be, was the hazard engaged with the medical procedure so high that demise was unavoidable under all conditions? Right around 1750 US accomplices of Andersen are concerned that numerous individuals who were not engaged with the company’s procedures for the Enron Corp. were additionally held at risk through the ruined review. A significant number of them are looking for lawful guidance to know the degree to which their constrained obligation organization makes them shielded from the liabilities. The restricted risk organization has not been tried for the kind of difficulties that Andersen is presently experiencing since this corporate structure is moderately new. Be that as it may, this testing may simply be completed as the laborers, investors and leasers of Enron are putting forth attempt to recover their lost a huge number of dollars from someone. It is normal that the association and chapter 11 attorneys will intently follow the issue in light of the fact that there is abstract information on the degree of security they Andersen accomplices can get from the LLP structure. The law educator from the George Mason University, Larry Ribstein said that the quality of LLP’s assurance has been tried for suit and the quantity of instances of LLP with respect to obligation is low. The LLP was made very nearly ten years back trying to give the secure the individuals from organizations against the firms’ propensity to clear them out as a result of their cases. The LLP structure makes the partners’ share in the organization reasonable for the loan bosses. Hypothetically, no accomplice can lose his/her offer in the organization. A teacher from the University of California Los Angeles graduate school, Lynn LoPucki said that the regular practice refuses the evacuation of corporate shroud to follow singular accomplices except if unique conditions. Be that as it may, there is a great deal of subjectivity
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The nature of the budgeting and planning process Essay
The idea of the planning and arranging process - Essay Example The general motivation behind the planning procedure is to guarantee that the association has enough funds of tasks and use. The primary motivation behind the planning procedure is correspondence, where every division in the association conveys the requirement for assets and how the assets will be utilized. This is finished by clarifying the volume of exercises that the office will take part in and the measure of assets that will be required. The planning and arranging process is additionally significant for coordination of assignments in the association, since the various divisions in the association perform interrelated errand (Hansen and Wim, 2004). Coordination of procedures is accomplished when the various offices give an arrangement to their asset distribution and the connection to the asset assignment from different divisions. Spending plans are likewise utilized for arranging the exercises of the association for a predetermined period. This is accomplished by getting ready spending plans that foresee asset use for approaching monetary periods. At the point when these spending plans are readied, the association can decide the asset needs and, thusly, set up the essential budgetary assets for securing of the arranged assets. Spending plans are additionally utilized for control and inspiration, where the financial plans go about as a proportion of execution and improvement. This implies the readied financial plan is utilized as a standard of estimation of execution, and the various offices are persuaded to improve their presentation as indicated by the spending plan distributed. The idea of the planning and arranging process is reflected by the qualities of the spending plan arranged by the divisions and the association. The spending plan can be characterized as an arrangement for the portion of money related assets to the different procedures in the association, subsequently, the planning and arranging process alludes to the means taken to get ready and measure hierarchical execution utilizing a financial plan. The necessities of the planning and arranging procedure would then be able to be deduced from the above meaning of a spending plan. The planning and arranging process requires information on the necessary assets by every division, the normal utilization of assets, the figure of the expense of assets, and the normal money related inflows and surges. Kinds of Budgets According to Sean, Ga rrison and Noreen (2008), financial plans can be ordered into numerous sorts, including zero-based spending plans, gradual spending plans, fixed and adaptable spending plans. These financial plans groupings are finished by the reason for spending readiness, regardless of whether the financial plan is set up as per action level, monetary periods, or asset accessibility. Zero-based planning alludes to a planning strategy where every division is required to give a defense of the considerable number of costs introduced in the spending articulation. Conventional planning strategies require a chief to include or deduct sums from the past financial period spending plan, in any case, zero-based financial plans start from a zero gauge and all uses must be legitimized. Then again, steady spending plans depend on the past period’
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Thought Labeling as a Mindfulness Meditation Technique
Thought Labeling as a Mindfulness Meditation Technique Meditation Print Thought Labeling as a Mindfulness Meditation Technique By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on September 25, 2019 abu/ Getty Images More in Self-Improvement Meditation Happiness Stress Management Spirituality Holistic Health Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships View All Mindfulness meditation is a highly effective stress relief technique that carries many benefits. Mindfulness can be practiced virtually anywhere at any time, as it does not require silence or a special meditation area or physical position. It simply requires a presence of mind. Mindfulness can be useful in detaching from the constant stream of thoughts, judgments, concerns, ruminations, and “clutter†of the mind, and getting to a place of inner peace. Full inner peace may not come immediately, and mindfulness does take practice. However, there is evidence that even one session of meditation can be effective at reducing stress, and even just a few minutes of meditation can make a difference, so practicing mindfulness or any other meditation technique can be helpful for any length of time. Even experienced meditation practitioners find it to be more challenging some days than others, but benefits come regardless, so learning this technique is well worth the small effort it takes to practice. As you become used to mindfulness and meditation, the process becomes easier and more automatic. It becomes easier to slip into meditation mode. In the beginning, however, you may want to experiment with different mindfulness techniques and different types of meditation. The following technique enables you to observe your thoughts and let go of them, which can allow you to create some space between yourself and the thoughts that trigger the stress response. This technique allows you to examine your habitual thought patterns, take a step back, and get some perspective. It also simply breaks the cycle of rumination. And it’s simpler than some forms of meditation, so it’s great for beginners. Let’s get started. Get Comfortable Ideally, it would be great to have a quiet, distraction-free place, a comfortable chair, and a few minutes set aside to focus on this exercise. With practice, or in a pinch, you can practice this anytime you have some free time alone with your thoughts, like when you are at work, doing mundane tasks, or getting ready for sleep. Whatever your situation, make yourself as comfortable as you can. Clear Your Mind Notice your thoughts. Within minutes, or even seconds, you will notice thoughts drifting into your mind. I’m cold. I need to make dinner tonight. I wonder what he meant when Joe said that thing earlier. The thoughts will creep in. The idea is to simply observe them and refrain from engaging. Simply notice them, and let them go. Label Your Thoughts While simply observing your thoughts and letting them go is an effective meditation technique, and can be practiced for long periods of time, it can be helpful to take things a step further and “label†your thoughts before you let them go. (You can do this by saying the word to yourself, visualizing it written, or whatever feels comfortable to you.) Labeling your thoughts does two things: it raises your awareness of the kinds of things you think about, which is especially helpful if you are trying to change your habitual thought patterns to become more empowering and optimistic. It also allows your mind to engage somewhat, which can be helpful for beginners who are not used to simply observing their thoughts for long periods of time. It gives your mind something to do while still maintaining detachment. There are several different ways that you can label your thoughts: Useful / Not Useful: You can simply label whether a thought is constructive or not. This is a very simple distinction that can cover virtually all thoughts. Just label them “useful†or “not useful,†and let them go.Types of Thoughts: You can label your thoughts with greater depth by classifying them according to their function. Thoughts that can be labeled as “judgment,†“planning,†“fear,†and “remembering,†for example, may drift into your awareness. Label them, and let them go.Physical Sensations: Another type of awareness that may drift in is body awarenessâ€"you may notice and focus on what you see or feel. Simply label things what they are as sensations: “hard,†“warm,†“itchy.†Acknowledge them and let them go. There are other ways in which you can label your thoughts, but this provides you with a starting place. As you practice, you may find methods that work better, one of the above techniques may become a favorite, or you can rotate. Whatever works for you is the “right†way. Just remember that regular meditation builds resilience toward stress, so its worth trying, and sticking with until you find a style that works for you. Get started, and see what benefits this practice brings.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The American Revolution And The Declaration Of Freedom...
Even though many would deem the American Revolution and the declaration of freedom from the British crown as the most successful moment in United States history, a majority of America’s true prosperity stems from the economic boom between the 1870s and early 1900s. During this time, many aspects of the working, middle, and upper classes began to change, and the differences that existed between them started to proliferate to previously unknown standards (Carnes and Garraty, 481). However, it is believed that with the increase of economic prosperity, came an expanding interest in minorities like immigrants, children, the working class, and women. When it came to the formation of the Populist party, women’s suffrage movement, and laws increasing the education for children, the aforementioned assertion was the case. Nevertheless, not all of the interests were entirely existent, such as the American reaction to the fraudulence of the city boss system, and the restrictions on the incoming immigrants. Although there was a sense of economic flourishment, there were still many problems that economic minorities, as well as other marginalized groups, faced during the late 19th century. Despite these problems, there was an increase in efforts on both political and social platforms to recognize their problems. A prime example of this was the Populist party, which was formed in light of the economic depression that put farmers both in the South and West in a struggling, economic minorityShow MoreRelatedThe Main Reason The American Revolution Was Caused Was1395 Words  | 6 Pagesreason the American Revolution was caused was because the tax of the colonists by the British, in which led the end of the seven-year war of the French and Indian. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Merging of Cultures in Beowulf - 1410 Words
The story of Beowulf represents the merging of two cultural belief systems: paganism and Christianity. Historically, the Anglo-Saxon culture was based upon pagan practices- idolatry, worship of many Gods and a specific warrior’s code of conduct. Beowulf was born of this culture as a legend passed down through centuries by oral tradition until shortly after their conversion to Christianity. It was finally preserved in written form by an obviously Christian author in an attempt to unify the two belief systems, and in doing so hopefully further convincing the new Anglo-Saxon believers that the two cultures could be compatible with one another. The character of Beowulf becomes the ultimate Christian hero, bound to the Anglo-Saxon warrior’s code yet giving credit and praise to the Christian God for his victories. It is from this context that the story presents the conflict of good and evil in its characters, its imagery and its symbolism. In this way the author hopes to insp ire faith and belief in God, demonstrate how God deals with the forces of evil and ultimately how God is the answer to triumph over evil or adversity. As the hero of the story, Beowulf must be presented as a Godly or even God-like character, redeeming the Danes from the devil and hell itself. In keeping with Anglo-Saxon tradition, Beowulf is a proud, somewhat boastful warrior. He is loyal and honorable, but he seeks fame and glory on earth rather than in the afterlife, often boasting of his ownShow MoreRelatedKeeping Briton’s Religious Origins Alive through Ancient Literature1129 Words  | 5 Pages Furthermore, the persistence of these religious genres is evidenced in ancient literature such as Beowulf, The Myth of Arthur’s Return, or Diedru and the Exile of the Sons of Uisliu, as they retained remnants of origins of the Britons’ religious beliefs. In Beowulf, King Hrothgar, the ruler of Danes, is troubled by the rampages of a demon named Grendel. Fortunately, a young Geat warrior, Beowulf, travels from his own kingdom across the seas, to Heorot Hall offering his assistance with the pestRead MoreThe Religious Principles Of Beowulf1236 Words  | 5 PagesSyncretism is defined as the combination of different beliefs or practices. This term is an important topic within Beowulf, since the poem has obviously united two religious principles. Beowulf is dedicated to expressing and explaining the Germanic heroic code, but there are specific moments when Christianity and paganism over laps. Though Paganism focuses on victory, honor, and masculinity the author manages to add the act of forgiving your enemies, the significance of the monsters within the poemRead MoreThe Religious Themes Of The Epic Of Beowulf1485 Words  | 6 PagesIn Beowulf, two types of religion are portrayed by one unknown author, and play an important role in the interpretation of the epic poem. Paganism is one of the religions that are portrayed in the epic, and it is speculated that before it was written and recorded that the work was actually focused around a Pagan belief system before the Christian coloring and allusions were added. Christianity is the second religion being portrayed in this Epic Poem. It is theorized that a monk was the one that addedRead MoreBeowulf Is Most Important Pieces Of English Literature1871 Words  | 8 PagesBeowulf is one of the most important pieces of English literature. The epic poem is said to be a great representation of the Anglo-Saxon era. Written by an anonymous monk between 800 and 1000 A.D., Beowulf displays Anglo-Saxon practices, beliefs, values, and religion. Beowulf is not only a fascinating story, but also a primary source for the time period. Serving as a primary source document, scholars can have a deep understanding of the Anglo-Saxon culture. 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Once the Romans departed from British Isles in 407 AD fighting continuing between the Picts and therefore the Scots who had lost their common enemy. The fifth century additionally saw conquests and therefore the gradual occupation by Germanic tribesRead MoreA Brief History of English Literature1782 Words  | 8 PagesA brief history of English literature 1. Anglo-Saxon literature Written in Old English c.650-c.1100. Anglo-Saxon poetry survives almost entirely in four manuscripts. Beowulf is the oldest surviving Germanic epic and the longest Old English poem; other great works include The Wanderer, The Battle of Maldon, and The Dream of the Rood. Notable prose includes the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a historical record begun about the time of King Alfred ´s reign (871-899) and continuing for more than three centuries
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Transport Across The Fermentation Tank Engineering Essay Free Essays
string(274) " fomenters are common in smaller vass where they are easier to seal, but do require longer shafts and larger diameter to command run-out and quiver while in big scale production underside mounted fomenters are by and large used where they need shorter shafts of 3m or less\." Agitators in fermenter play a major function in blending the medium. Agitation in fermenters improves heat and mass conveyance across the agitation armored combat vehicle. Mechanically moved fermenters are well-suited for usage with shear-sensitive agitations that require good O transportation and majority commixture than the conventional air lift fermenters. We will write a custom essay sample on Transport Across The Fermentation Tank Engineering Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Fermenter, in biotechnology is usually explained as a container where the host cells incorporating the recombinant Deoxyribonucleic acid are grown. In simple footings fermenter is an setup which maintains optimum conditions for the growing of micro-organisms which are used in big scale agitation in the production of enzymes and other chemicals. Basically the fermenter consists of a fomenter either bottom driven or top driven. The most normally used is the fermenter with a top-drive assembly because of its easiness of operation, orderly design, dependability, and hardiness. Agitators in fermenter play a major function in blending the medium which is invariably aerated which means supplying efficient mass exchange in footings of gas stage and liquid stage ( blending ) by providing nutrition and taking away the metabolites. Mass transportation is enhanced by agitation from the headspace to the majority of the liquid ; it creates less anaerobiotic environment ( microaerophilic ) for agitation, farther decelerating down the agitation clip and upseting the ecological equilibrium. The chief intent of agitation usually are intermixing of two mixable liquids, fade outing solids in liquids, scattering a gas in a liquid as all right bubbles, suspending of all right solid atoms in a liquid and to increase heat transportation between the fluid and a spiral or jacket in the vas wall. Agitators must able to make self-cleaning and must forestall monolithic subsiding. Agitation provides practical benefits peculiarly in agitation vass with hapless heat-transfer characteristics. It improves heat and mass conveyance across the agitation armored combat vehicle. By bettering those agitation can cut down temperature heterogeneousness and destroy concentration gradients during agitation, supplying a more unvarying microenvironment for microbic growing. This has positive economic and merchandise quality-related benefits like cut downing the agitation clip, and better standardising process public presentation and merchandise properties. Most of the chemical and processing industries depend on effectual agitation and commixture of fluids for most operations. Generally agitation refers to coercing fluid by mechanical agencies to flux in a peculiar form like circulatory or other pattern inside a vas. Blending normally involves scattering two or more separate stages such as a fluid and a solid or two fluids with one another. Agitation besides has disadvantages peculiarly in industrial agitation procedures. Agitation may interfere with the gel-formation procedure, a cardinal quality property in house yoghurt ( Kristo et al. , 2003 ; Lee and Lucey, 2004 ) and agitation during agitation would suppress the lactic acid formation involved in the procedure ( Driessen, 1998 ; Early, 2000 ) , accordingly widening the agitation clip and perchance changing the quality, there is a possibility of it favoring the incorporation of air into the system, interfering with the agitation kineticss, an anaerobiotic event. Agitators have different parts and all the traveling parts can be made unapproachable by enveloping underneath the vas, therefore doing it a safer piece of setup. There are different sorts of fomenters with or without motor driven. With the motor belt goaded fomenter any spillage can be avoided by straight falling onto the motor since it is non sited straight below the fomenter shaft. Double mechanical seal in the fomenter is necessary to guarantee that the medium does non leak out at the shaft lodging. Depending upon blending demands the agitation shaft will be provided with two or three impellers, each with four or six blades. It is of import that the exterior coating of the fomenter should fit that specified for the vas. Bigger impeller diameters result in shorter blend clip and lower extremum shear. Though it has benefits it is besides necessary to see the higher cost, increased quiver and larger run-out and more robust design demands associated with larger diameter impellers and greater fluid forces. Orientation and size of fomenters varies with fermenters. Scale-Up: In production conditions, either the fomenter revolutions per minute is varied or the impeller is changed to obtain similar blending clip. These impellers can run at much higher tip velocities since they convert a bigger fraction of their power input into unstable pumping instead than shear. There are two chief occupations of fomenters in a cell civilization. First is to obtain the coveted O and C dioxide mass transportation by bring forthing adequate shears which can be characterized by gas mass transportation effectivity and the 2nd is to maintain the vessel well-blended to minimise fluctuations in temperature, pH and linear concentration. The cells inside should be exposed to higher mechanical force or thermic force and or emphasis. The peak shear rate must be kept low plenty to avoid cell harm or emphasis. Bigger the mass transportations is better, because cut downing the fraction of O in the sprinkle gas or flow of sprinkle gas lowers the operating cost and reduces cell harm in certain cell lines. Deluging occurs if the fomenter turns excessively easy for the gas rate and if the gas burden exceeds the implosion therapy point consequences in lower mass transportation. Doppler velocimetry is used to mensurate the shear produced by an fomenter utilizing a optical maser beam to scan the instantaneous speed at points throughout the vas. The fomenter is preferred to be top mounted which makes it easy to take it during go oning operation and to avoid voidance of fermenter during care work on the fomenter. Airlift type and automatically stirred/ agitated fermenters are widely used in bioprocessing. Airlift fermenters are utile where there is necessity of soft agitation and low cost O transportation and in comparatively less syrupy fluids while the mechanical fomenter is works more expeditiously for higher-viscosity fluids. Normally used fermenter which utilizes mechanical agitation rules chiefly uses radial flow impellers during the agitation procedure. Top-mounted fomenters are common in smaller vass where they are easier to seal, but do require longer shafts and larger diameter to command run-out and quiver while in big scale production underside mounted fomenters are by and large used where they need shorter shafts of 3m or less. You read "Transport Across The Fermentation Tank Engineering Essay" in category "Essay examples" The latter type is easy to manage since the shaft are of smaller diameter and they are cost effectual. It is easy to take the mechanical seal. Agitator must be mounted either on an angle or offset from the vas Centre line when the vas does non hold baffles. Baffled vass with centre top-mounted fomenters are more common. General chromium steel steel fomenter with high opposition to corrosion A mechanical fomenter is driven by an explosion-proof motor ( electric motor ) , it has a shaft and cogwheel coupled to a cogwheel box that drives the impeller shaft and may even hold immersed bearings if the shaft is really long. The impellers ( turbines ) transform mechanical power into unstable circulation or agitation. The aim of the properly designed mechanical agitation system are unvarying suspension of solids, appropriate application of shear, homogeneous fluid belongingss throughout the system and economical application of applied power. The rotating parts in a mechanical fomenter are capable to change by reversaling emphasiss that may ensue in metal weariness, failure of shafts, seals and fomenter blades particularly when the environment is temperature specific. Experimental setup that consists of jacketed 50 milliliter reactor ( Parr, theoretical account 4843 ) with mechanical agitation. Fermenter with Mechanical Agitation ( www.scielo.br/scielo.php? script=sci_arttext ) During the commixture procedure, the mechanical fomenter plants by turning the mechanical power into thermic energy where the energy ( temperature ) is introduced non-uniformly into the volume. This produces harmful effects to the life beings and agitations in the procedures, which exist merely in limited temperature scope. The commixture can be improved by increasing rates of aeration and mechanical agitation. However, the influence of aeration rate on blending clip was most outstanding merely under conditions of small or no mechanical agitation. The independent agitation reduces the demand for long flow channels besides maintains efficient blending irrespective of merchandise throughput or viscousness. The fermenter design becomes more complex when mechanical agitation is applied for blending nevertheless it offers considerable advantages in footings of versatility and public presentation. Strong axial commixture is one of the less desirable characteristics of mechanical fomenter. There are some major disadvantages in utilizing mechanical fomenters such as unsystematic commixture, where it shear fluid and impel it around the commixture vas. High-turbulent and dead zones are formed during blending which consequence in un-uniform nutrition supply to cells, due to mechanical force produced by sociable ‘s beater the microbic cells may decease. Overheating is formed on the terminals of sociable ‘s beater countries ( micro zones ) which are besides destructive for cells. Mechanical fomenter has merely a motor ; it may hold a provender pump, nevertheless. Mechanical fomenters can non be made on plastic if necessary. Top-entering mechanical fomenters typically require a befuddled armored combat vehicle and it can non blend the armored combat vehicle when it ‘s less full. More dead musca volitanss are formed whilst utilizing a mechanical fomenter. Mechanical fomenter typically needs one impeller diameter of clearance near the armored combat vehicle to supply energy during solid suspension. A mechanical fomenter by and large uses less energy for liquid blending in armored combat vehicles smaller than 3 thousand Defense Intelligence Agency, but during solids suspension, liquid blending and gas/liquid contacting in large-volume ( over 1,000 gal ) fermenters with mechanical agitation costs higher. The additive liquid speed in the downcomer increased with the increasing velocity of the fomenter but was non sensitive to the aeration rate, except in the airlift manner of operation ( N=0 revolutions per minute ) . The fact that the liquid speed varied small with aeration rate in automatically agitated operation whereas at a changeless agitation speed the commixture clip declined with increasing rate of aeration suggests that under given conditions of mechanical commixture, the gas bubbles lifting through the fluid were an of import cause of blending. Bubbling frequence additions with increasing aeration rate and the bubbles lifting relation to the liquid carry in their aftermaths a certain sum of fluid. As celebrated earlier, the consequence of mechanical agitation on blending clip was pronounced merely at comparatively low aeration rates. At higher aeration speeds ( UGr?0.04 ms?1 ) , lifting bubbles seemed to the dominant cause of the commixture Depending on the strength of the mechanical agitation, air sparging of the riser zone may or may non better the commixture public presentation. At sufficiently high aeration rates ( UGr?0.04 ms?1 ) , the usage of mechanical agitation during commixture has lesser importance. Air lift agitation utilizes compressed air to continuously recycle slurry. Consisting of simple piping, air lift agitation requires no traveling parts and negligible care. The consequence is homogenous slurry. Mechanical impeller will shear certain cells that are less delicate. For the ground the mechanical fomenter, which causes unwanted emphasis and perturbation is removed from the medium. About 70 % of consumed power is used for get the better ofing the defying force ( in a medium ) with mechanical fomenters. In this connexion mechanical power is automatically turned into thermic energy and therefore consequences in excess harmful warming of the civilization. Therefore this excess warming must be removed from the fermenters. In Airlift Fermenters the civilizations are both aerated and agitated by air bubbles introduced at the underside of vass. The vas has an inner bill of exchange tubing through which the air bubbles and the aerated medium rise since aerated medium is lighter than not aerated one which consequences in commixture of the civilization every bit good as aeration. The air bubbles lift to the top of the medium and the air passes out through an mercantile establishment. The cells and the medium that lift out of the bill of exchange tubing move down outside the tubing and are recirculated. O2 supply is rather efficient but scaling up nowadayss certain jobs. These sorts of fermenters are now used for production of monoclonal antibodies. The contents are pneumatically agitated by a watercourse of air and or sometimes by gas. In add-on to agitation, this watercourse besides has the of import map of interceding exchange between the gas stage and the medium ; O is normally transferred to the liquid, and in some instances metabolic merchandises are removed through exchange with the gas stage. Air lift fermenters eliminate the possible grinding jobs encountered in agitated fermenters. Due to take down shear force the extents of cell desorption from atom surfaces would be less as compared to agitated systems while utilizing solid substrates. Air lift fermenters are energy efficient and easy to run, and require merely tight air for aeration and agitation and extinguish the demand of mechanical agitation. Oxygen transportation efficiency is higher than mechanical agitated fermenter. Lab or pilot workss can non easy air trial because it requires long bubble opposition clip with minimal wall retarding force. The short vass where mechanical agitation is required for good agitation public presentation compared to air agitated fermenters. If the vas has chilling spirals the commixture is good from top to bottom. Air agitated fermenters exist in industry today for a broad scope of merchandises. Air-lift stirred without mechanical seal The chief advantages in utilizing air lift fermenters are improved asepsis because of no top or bottom come ining agitation shaft, building of really big fermenter is possible because the design is non limited by motor size, shaft length and its weight, infrigidation demands are reduced 20 to 35 % because of no mechanical agitation, cheaper fermenter design. No care of motors, gear boxes, bearings or seals. The air agitated fermenter is a feasible blending power unit like a variable velocity thrust with no motor and drive noise. Air compressors can be steam driven to cut down power cost and go on to run during power outages in big workss with minimum power coevals for controls. Air-lift fermenter exhibit lower rates of O mass transportation and commixture compared to agitated bioreactors and therefore their usage for industrial production of enzymes could ensue in O lack of the agitation broth and unequal majority commixture. On the other manus, compared to other fermenters, air-lift fermenters have a simpler design, have a lower capital and operating costs and exhibit a lower shear environment. For the latter ground, air-lift fermenters have been used successfully in agitation of shear sensitive micro-organism in high viscousness. The chief disadvantages are because of weak blending they do non ever suit for civilizations with active critical maps. They do n’t hold intensive nutrition supply and do n’t take away the metabolites intensively. Sudden alteration of force per unit area will do the air bubbles drifting to the surface and in bend devastate sensitive cells. It besides produces abundant foaming. The application of chemical froth ledgeman makes quality of concluding merchandise worse and the procedure more expensive. These disadvantages are connected with hurt of cells and micro-organisms during the procedure of the medium commixture, deficient strength of mass exchange, formation of high-turbulent and dead zones, high power ingestion, low features when they works with syrupy fluids. This is a table demoing the chief advantages and disadvantages of air lift and mechanical fomenters in fermenters: Mechanical Air lift How to cite Transport Across The Fermentation Tank Engineering Essay, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Active And Placebo Trans Cranial Magnetic â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Active And Placebo Trans Cranial Magnetic? Answer: Introducation Mental health nursing focuses on the different strategies implemented for achieving recovery of the patient as per the individual needs determined. Recovery in this context is a complex and multifaceted process and needs to be understood by analysing the different dimension of it. It involves the improvement in health and wellness and living a self-directed life. Personal and clinical recovery methods reflect uniting factors utilised in combination with each other for providing the best outcomes for the patient (Townsend, 2014). The present would incorporate the National Recovery Framework and Principles to explore the lived experience of mental health problems of Jeremy Oxley due to schizophrenia as depicted in the documentary SunnyBoys. The essay would first describe the lived experiences of mental illness of Jeremy. It would then investigate the implications for personal recovery as perceived from both the patient and caregivers viewpoint. Examples from the video would be drawn up on to support the principles documented in the literature. The present video is on the lives experience of Jeremy Oxley who is a band member of the famous Australian pop-band The Sunnyboys. The mental health problem he had been suffering from is schizophrenia, and his journey of recovering from it is remarkable in itself. The strength and courage that he had shown had been incredible. At the early age of 18 years, Jeremy was one of the most talented songwriters and singers in Australia. He achieved the heights of success along with his brother Peter who was also a member of the same band. Common to the music industry, he could not cope up with the pressure of taking part in relentless touring and other tasks. He subsequently suffered mental and physical burnout. The stress was responsible for triggering schizophrenia. He had started having disturbing thoughts that compelled him to take refuge of alcohol and drugs. The band split after Jeremy refused medical treatment (edutv.informit.com.au., 2013). Jeremy had consistently denied that he was suffering from schizophrenia, making the situation more difficult for him and other individuals in a social relationship with him. Jeremy has constantly been focusing on the fact that life is what a person makes it. According to Fortinash and Worret (2014), it is difficult for a person suffering from a mental illness to accept the fact that he needs medication management and rehabilitation for overcoming the mental disorder. Jeremy has seen to develop a lack of insight into the medical condition he was suffering from. As highlighted by Morrison-Valfre (2016) lack of insight leads a person to avoid treatment in case of mental health This is commonly in conjunct with mania or psychosis that leads to undesirable behaviour and recklessness. It is mentioned in the video that Jeremy became a complex person and was scared of what was happening around him. It was difficult for him to come to terms with the environment in which he was living. After a considerable time frame when he was referred to as a lively and vibrant person, the articles written on the social platform had him down and out. The fact that the wider audience liked his brother more than him and that he was thought to be arrogant went against his chances of recovery. Jeremy has been found to suffer from auditory hallucinations, wherein he could falsely hear her mother and her brother in their absence. The phenomenological complexity of auditory hallucinations has been well established in the literature. The frequency of symptoms might be fluctuating during the illness. The prime factor that is responsible for determining whether such hallucination is a key feature of the clinical condition is the extent of interference with mental activities (Paillre?Martinot et al., 2017). Recovery from schizophrenia is a personal process of bringing about changes in the skills, goals, feelings and attitudes of the patient suffering from the illness. The aim is to live a satisfying and hopeful life even if there are limitations. Since schizophrenia is a complex disorder, the recovery needs to be multidimensional, and the approach must be addressing the personal perceptions of the patient. The treatment needs to incorporate education and training at different activities so that recovery can be fast (Fortinash Worret, 2014). In the present case of Jeremy, the process of recovery has been initiated and guided by Mary Griffiths, who has been the main caregiver to Jeremy. The video elaborates on how Jeremy met Mary and her two sons Kieran and Lachlan, and they embraced him to be a part of their family, enabling Jeremy to undergo a suitable recovery process. The six principles of menta health recovery are the uniqueness of the individual, real choices, attitudes and rights, dignity and respect, partnership and communication, and evaluating recovery. The first principle of the uniqueness of the individual implies that the recovery is not solely about the cure but also about providing opportunities for living a meaningful and purposeful life within which the patient is satisfied. Feelings of being a valued and important member of the community goes a long way in enhancing the self-respect of the person, thereby increasing the chances of recovery. An emphasis on social inclusion is given. The person also needs to be empowered to recognise that care is been given to him (.health.gov.au, 2010). In the present case, it is found that Mary had been demonstrating this principle of recovery as she and her sons have allowed Jeremy to live with them as a family that provides a strong social support to him. Living with them has been fruitful for Jere my as he has been looked up to as a father figure. Being recognised as a father figure and getting the respect has helped Jeremy immensely to get included into a social status. Mary has been taking initiatives to make Jeremy realise that he has been at the centre of care provided to him. The second principle defines how a mental health patient must be supported to make their own choices. Such choices are to be creatively explored and meaningful (.health.gov.au, 2010). In the present case, Jeremy has been empowered to actively engage himself in painting, a creative act that enables a patient to express his thoughts. Jeremy in the video states that he puts philosophy and emotions in his paintings. In addition, he teaches the children how to play the guitar which makes up an engaging act. Expression of thoughts is pivotal for overcoming inner negative feelings. The fourth principle guides a carer to show respect and dignity towards the patient. In the present case, mary is involved in active listening and engaging in an honest interaction with Jeremy. The sensitivity towards Jeremy has been reflected in multiples incidents where the beliefs of Jeremy has been respected. The National Framework for Recovery-oriented Mental Health Services outlines the domains that together enable a successful recovery of a patient from a mental health condition. As per this framework supporting personal recovery demands promotion of self-determination and autonomy, focus on responsibility and strengths and collaborative relationships. Responses to self-management is also a part of the recovery process (health.gov.au, 2013). In the present case, Mary had constantly been empowering Jeremy to overcome the challenges he had been facing and guiding him to foster his relationships with his own family members. This is reflected through the opinion that Mary gives to Jeremy that he must not be blaming others for the choices he made, relating to smoking and other such practices. As Jeremy suffers from diabetes, obesity and unusual heart rhythm, Mary has empowered him to be responsible for his health and consider living a healthy life. Since a recovery-oriented practice needs t ransparency, Mary had acknowledged that situations could be changed if Jeremy could come to terms with the situations he had been living in. At the end of the video, it is witnessed that Jeremy has been able to overcome his condition as he performs with his band after 21 years. Jeremy is found to be hopeful that he would be able to lead a life of satisfaction and gratification. While he still seeks the truth of schizophrenia, the fact that he had been suffering from the same is still denied by him. This informs that the recovery process had been successful in case of Jeremy that enabled him to combat the challenges he had been facing previously. A profound change in the patients condition was achieved through sustaining relationships, engaging in transparent communication and prioritising needs. From the above discussion on the lived experience of Jeremy, it can be concluded that recovery for a patient of schizophrenia was possible as the principles of recovery were followed to a considerable extent. Personal recovery was the prime goal in this case, and though challenges came up throughout this process and it took 21 years for Jeremy to recover, the process was noteworthy. For a mental health nurse, it is imperative to understand the distinct factors that aggravate the mental health condition of the patient so that they are addressed adequately. It is to be noted that a person facing mental illness suffers from a loss of self-identity and social isolation. It is therefore crucial that a nurse takes these aspects as a priority while outlining the recovery care plan. A nurse must be highly sensitive to the individual needs of the clients and work together in collaboration with the patient to attain complete recovery. References A national framework for recovery-oriented mental health services: Guide for practitioners and providers. (2013).health.gov.au. Retrieved 17 September 2017, from https://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/content/67d17065514cf8e8ca257c1d00017a90/$file/recovgde.pdf Department of Health | Principles of recovery oriented mental health practice. (2017).Health.gov.au. Retrieved 17 September 2017, from https://www.health.gov.au/internet/publications/publishing.nsf/Content/mental-pubs-i-nongov-toc~mental-pubs-i-nongov-pri Fortinash, K. M., Worret, P. A. H. (2014).Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Morrison-Valfre, M. (2016).Foundations of Mental Health Care-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. Paillre?Martinot, M. L., Galinowski, A., Plaze, M., Andoh, J., Bartrs?Faz, D., Bellivier, F., ... Artiges, E. (2017). Active and placebo transcranial magnetic stimulation effects on external and internal auditory hallucinations of schizophrenia.Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica,135(3), 228-238. The Sunnyboy. (2013). Retrieved from https://edutv.informit.com.au.ezproxy1.acu.edu.au/watch-screen.php?videoID=655842 Townsend, M. C. (2014).Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in evidence-based practice. FA Davis.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Discuss the importance and dramatic significance of Act 1 scene 5 in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example
Discuss the importance and dramatic significance of Act 1 scene 5 in Romeo and Juliet Essay In Act 1 scene 5 there us a significance that is not in any other scene because it is where the two main characters meet and fall in love. It is also important because it is where the tragedy is set up to happen.In the opening of Act 1 scene 5 the atmosphere is busy, as the servants get ready for the Capulet ball saying:Away with the john stools, remove the court cupboard, look to the plate. Good thou, save me a piece of marchpane, and as tho loves me, let the porter let in Susan Grindstone and Nell.This is in contrast to the ending of the last scene where instead of the busy and happy atmosphere the audience would have been feeling a scene of foreboding from Romeos premonition of his death.As Romeo enters the Capulets party, Capulet welcomes his guests and bids them to dance, teasing the women that if they do not, he will proclaim that they have corns. This speech that Capulet gives has significance because it shows more of Lord Capulets personality. Also it highlights the differenc es between the old and the young. He does references to the comparison between the sedateness of age and the energy of youths. Capulet also refers to when he was young when he says:That I could wear a visor and could tell a whispering tale in a fair ladys ear, such as would please; tis gone, tis gone, tis gone.This refers to the overall meaning of the play giving images of all the normal things in life.The reason for Romeo wanting to go to Capulets party was so that he could see his love Rosaline. However once he sees Juliet he falls instantly in love with her and forgets the unattainable Rosaline. When Romeo first sees Juliet he uses imagery such as,O doth teach the torches to burn bright meaning that she is the only light in the room. Before that Romeos character showed that he enjoyed being sad, being heartsick; he thinks he is being serious but it is only when he experiences true love that he realises how mistaken he has been to date. He used conventional flowery courtly languag e, which wraps his sentiments up in so many words it can be difficult to work out what he really means when speaking of Rosaline, however now Romeo is speaking plainly, we know exactly what he means and have no difficulty is understanding exactly what his true emotions are since Romeo is speaking from his heart. But also when Romeo first talks about Juliet he also again gives the audience a sense of foreboding saying:The measure done, Ill watch her place of stand, and touching hers, make blessed my rude hand.This beautiful, peaceful poetry, which Romeo uses to express his immediate love for Juliet, is in contrast to the short angry outbursts of Tybalt. Tybalts short sentences and anger reveal a pent up frustration, which makes the audience feel anxiety for Romeo. Tybalt reacts like this because he believes Romeo to be there to,A villain that is hither come in spite, to scorn at out solemnity this nightLord Capulet, however when he realises that the stranger in his house is Romeo, a Montague, he does not let Tybalt make a fuss and spoil the evening. In his speeches, he is making polite small talk with his guests and at the same time turning aside and speaking quietly to Tybalt telling him to mind his own business, he does not want a fuss made in front of his guests.Tybalt is a very different character, fiery and quarrelsome, ready to fight at the least opportunity, Ill not endure him, and is only just restrained by Capulet from challenging Romeo to a fight. It is obvious that his character is like this in the rest of the play. Tybalts outburst also links to the reason why act 1 scene 5 is important. If Tybalt had not found out Romeo was at the party then most of the rest of the play would not of come out the way it did.The first time the two main characters meet; Shakespeare has their words in a sonnet. He does this to show how much Romeo and Juliet are in tune with each other. He also uses Religious images to show this such as:For saints have hands that pilgri ms hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers kiss Shakespeare is trying to show here how serious Romeo and Juliet are as well as how compatible they are. Also this relates to the historical context of the play since in Shakespeare times a 14-line sonnet was popular.Juliets responses to Romeos words in the sonnet are mostly religious images. At the beginning of the play, Juliet seems quite innocent and unaware of love. When her mother first brings up the subject of marriage, she says meekly, It is an honour that I dream not of. However, when she falls in love with Romeo, she is willing to risk everything including her life to be with him, although she is afraid to take the sleeping draught. She imagines waking in the tomb surrounded by the bodies of the dead, but she is still prepared to go ahead with the plan.When the lovers share their first kiss, the audience knowing the dramatic irony at this point must feel a sense of horror knowing what may become of them through the c haracters foreboding.Before Romeo and Juliet find out who each other are, the audience would have had a sense of dramatic irony. When Romeo finds out Juliets identity, Shakespeare tries to make the audience feel suspense since Juliet was yet to know. This is especially true when Juliet is asking her nurse what Romeos name is and the nurse keeps getting it wrong. Even before Juliet finds out, she gives the audience a sense of foreboding where she also sees her own death saying,My grave is likely to be my wedding bed.Two videos gave 2 different ways of directing the play Romeo and Juliet. One was done by Baz Luhrman in 1996, and the other by Franco Zeffirelli in 1968. Zeffirelli gave a Shakespearian version of Romeo and Juliet with the costumes and setting and Music. However Luhrman did a modern version. Both versions picked out costumes for the characters to suit their personality in the play. For example in Luhrmans version Juliet is dressed as an angel to show her purity, furthermo re in Zeffirellis version Juliet was dress in a long red dress, which could show Juliet to symbolise love. I think the best version were the Luhrmans version. This is because I think the costumes in this version were more effective and meaningful than in Zeffirellis version for example, Tybalts costume was a devil, this was probably to show his angry character. Also Lord Capulet was dressed as a Roman leader, this may be because of Capulets desire to get his own way.In conclusion act 1 is important because it is where the two main characters meet fall in love and sets up the tragedy. As it said in the last scene with Romeos foreboding. And also during the scene, where Juliet also has a foreboding. Also in this scene there is a key point where Tybalt say he wants revenge. If he hadnt of been set on revenge because of Romeos intrusion, then the rest of the play would not of happened the way it did.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Perks of Dynamic Stretching Essays
The Perks of Dynamic Stretching Essays The Perks of Dynamic Stretching Essay The Perks of Dynamic Stretching Essay How to Prepare Your Muscles for Athletic Performance Dynamic Stretching Dynamic stretching consists of functional based exercises which use sport specific movements to prepare the body for movement. Dynamic flexibility has been used successfully by trainers and coaches to increase flexibility and possibly lower the incidence of injury. The main benefit of using dynamic stretching just before a sporting event or fitness routine is that, because dynamic stretches use motions similar to those that an athlete under takes, they effectively simulate a performance experience. For example, doing kicking stretches before soccer or a similar sport will effectively warm up the limbs and body to anticipate specific challenges. The same applies to upper body motions such as circular arm stretching. Plyometrics Plyometrics or plyos for short, are a type of exercise designed to produce fast and powerful movements. They are generally used by athletes to improve performance in sports, especially those that involve speed, quickness and power. 1. Better Performance For those who enjoy sports like track and field, plyometric exercise can greatly benefit running speed. If running isn’t your game, perhaps you would like to punch harder or throw farther. Plyometric exercise helps you achieve any athletic goal. 2. Developing Muscle Power Plyometric exercise gives your legs and muscles an intense exercise which guarantees an increase in muscle potential. 3. Enhancing Your Ability to Burn Calories An increased muscular endurance and ability to burn calories would come to great use for someone hoping to build a weight loss routine. 4. Increasing Your Muscular Endurance If you are an athlete and you have a big competition coming up, plyometric exercising will help intensify your energy and increase your stamina just in time for the main event. Since plyometric exercising builds up an explosive amount of intense energy, it could be just the thing for an athlete to have in their training routine. 5. No Extreme Exercising Equipment is Needed Exercise equipment can be expensive, and plyometric exercising doesn’t require any. Anything that is needed could be easily found lying around the house. 6. Easily Calibrated to Suit Anyone’s Needs Plyometric exercising can be as simple as jumping on a trampoline several times a day or even using your old jump rope from back in the day. For someone looking for a little more intense workout, perhaps jumping back and forth from a lower platform to a higher platform would suit their needs. There are many ways to increase the intensity of the exercise by simply increasing the distance or height of each jump. Plyometric exercising is simply utilizing the muscular energy that it takes to jump to your own exercising advantage. Static Stretching Static stretches have been used traditionally by athletes and pretty much everyone who works out and exercises. Whenever people think of warming up before a run, or some other physical activity, they think of stretching. The idea is reinforced by movies and other public media. Studies have shown that performing static stretches before exercise may not be as good for you as originally thought, however. The claim is that this type of stretch can weaken the muscle and make it more prone to injury during the ensuing activity. The muscle has a weaker response and generates less force; this effect can last up to 30 minutes. Despite the negatives just mentioned, there are benefits to this type of stretch. The major benefit is a concentrated focus on increasing flexibility and range of motion in the joints. This can also be achieved with dynamic stretching, but not to the same degree and potential. As far as flexibility goes, dynamic stretching is like a utility knife, whereas static stretching is a surgical blade: the static stretches are just more specialized for increasing flexibility. So the question is ‘when do you perform static stretching? The best times are just after your workout, when youre all warmed up and ready to relax, or any time when youre not going to exercise. I encourage you to incorporate this type of stretch into your routine. Flexible and limber muscles are less prone to injury and improve athletic performance. If you play a competitive and intense sport like football or basketball, this is especially true. Many times while playing these sports, I have had people push, bump, step on, and contort my body in several places and to a degree that if my muscles and tendons were not conditioned to be that flexible, I would have been more injured for sure.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Child of the Dark The diary of Carolina Maria de Jesus Essay
Child of the Dark The diary of Carolina Maria de Jesus - Essay Example Another deterrent of having faith in democracy is the lying that politicians do. Carolina wrote a poem, "Politicians on their platform, Promise they will give you raises, And the people find out soon enough, That its their suffering that was raised" (Maria, 123). Through Carolinas views, one can see that support of democracy weakens with the distrust of politicians. The problems within Brazil also deter Carolina from having sympathy to democracy. She says, "The cost of living makes the worker lose his sympathy for democracy" (Maria, 103). She also makes the promise that, "If the cost of living keeps on rising until 1960, were going to have a revolution" (Maria, 119). The key word, revolution, supports the claim that democracy and poverty cannot coexist, at least not for long. If the cost of living does not change, the democratic state will be challenged. Another challenge of democracy is corruption. Carolina talks of how the collector for electricity money is allowed to charge those living in the favelados whatever he wants (Maria, 147). When the poor realize that they are being stolen from, they are not willing to accept a flawed form of government. On the other hand, Carolina also negates the argument that democracy cannot coexist with poverty. She does this through her political actions. On July 7th, 1958 Carolina went to register to vote. She said, "When I got to Semanario Street, I needed a photo for registration papers. I had a picture taken in Foto Lara. It cost me 60 cruzeiros" (Maria, 76) This may not jump out as an action to support democracy, but when one takes into account how much 60 cruzeiros is worth to her, one can see how much she sacrificed to register to vote. 60 cruzeiros was the equivalent to about 1 kilo of beans in Brazil in the 50s. She could have fed her family for days, but yet she still made it a priority to take part in the political process. Another example of her participation occurs while addressing
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
STUDENT FREEDOMS Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
STUDENT FREEDOMS - Research Paper Example The first amendment of the constitution provided that â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances†(The Pocket Constitution: U. S. Constitution – Amendment 1, 1995). It gives the citizen their rights to express themselves and gives them the right of speech. This freedom has been envied by many people all over the world as only a handful of countries allow their citizens such rights. However, one of the main concerns in today’s world is the misuse of the rights given to them. In schools students use this rights to break the school rules stating that it is indeed their constitutional rights to express themselves as they want. The constitution did provide us with the freedom of speech and press, but it is not right to take this freedom and say anything we want anywhere, at anytime. Freedom should be used but in no way should it be mis-used. The freedom of speech should be limited in public school as students need to adhere to the school rules and to maintain social stability, racial harmony and to protect the students from dangerous influences which can hamper their academic growth. Many people who are against banning freedom of expressions in school argues that censorship should not be done as the banning of ideas, thoughts and information in any stream is unconstitutional as the first amendment guarantees freedom of speech and the press. History has shown us time and again that man is an animal if not regulated by rules and regulations. If students are given the freedom to do what they want regardless of the school norms and regulations, the society as we know it will be chaotic. Freedom should not be taken for granted and should not be misused. Freedom of expressions should be limited in schools to maintain law and order. It should also be kept in mind that too much freedom for students can be a dangerous thing. Limiting the freedom of expressions in school makes sure that dangerous ideas, ideologies, philosophies and outlook does not disrupt the students. School rules and regulations are also solely motivated by morality and also the belief that exposure to too much negativity in any streams causes students to behave in a destructive ways. Schools have the right to discipline their students if the students behave in a vulgar way which can disrupt the harmony or influence the students in a negative way. One of the famous cases regarding schools right is Frederick v Morse. Joseph Frederick, who was a senior at Alaska Douglas High school, sued his school for suspending him for 10 days. Joseph Frederick, put up a 14 long chart at an Olympic torch relay in 2002. His banner read â€Å"Bongs hits 4 Jesus†He was suspended by the then high school Principal Deborah Morse for violating t he school policy. The principal stand point was that Joseph Frederick violated the school policy by â€Å"promoting illegal substances at an event sanctioned by the school† (Free Speech Rights of Students: The Issue: When May Administrators in Public Secondary Schools and Colleges Restrict the Speech of Students?, n.d.). The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with Frederick based on the First Amendment rights. However, Kenneth Starr filed a petition for cert at the Supreme Court. In June 2007, a verdict was announced on the
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Demise of Woolworths
The Demise of Woolworths Research Proposal Title: The Demise of Woolworths Abstract: This report focuses on the reasons for the downfall of nearly century old retail Woolworths. This report will deals with the financial aspects of this company which led to such a tragic end. The financial aspects of Woolworths will be evaluated with the help of Key Financial Indicators and Ratios which will be taken into consideration while arriving at a conclusion. The introduction to Key Financial Indicators and Ratios and their calculations respectively, will be demonstrated as the research progresses. Methodology and Analysis of this research will depend on these Key Financial Indicators and Ratios of Woolworths and then the conclusion of this report will be reached. Introduction: An introduction to Key Financial Indicators and Ratios. Below are a few Indicators and ratios on which any companys finances are evaluated to conclude how healthy a business or a company is. Balance Sheet: ‘ It is a financial statement that lists the assets, liabilities and equity of a company at a specific point in time and is used to calculate the net worth of a business. (Source: http://www.entrepreneur.com/encyclopedia/term/82186.html) Profit Loss Statement: ‘The purpose of the Profit Loss Statement is to present the income and expense items for a business, grouped according to the nature of the transaction, in a manner that allows the user to easily review the income, expenditure and profitability of the business. (Source: http://www.sasb.wa.gov.au) Key financial indicators and ratio are determined through the information contained in both Balance sheet and Profit Loss account. The Key Financial Indicators are: †¢ Net Turnover: This is the Net turnover against investment. †¢ Net Operating Profit or Loss, as a percentage of net turnover †¢ Profit or Loss before Taxes as a percentage of net turnover †¢ Return on Equity †¢ Return on assets †¢ Equity to assets †¢ Return on Investment †¢ Return on Capital Equity †¢ Net Gearing Gearing Ratios (Source: http://www.rahoitustarkastus) Background: An Introduction to Woolworths: Frank Woolworths started a retail store in Britain 99 years ago i.e, in 1909 and called his store F.W Woolworths. He was an American retailer, who started his retailing career in 1879 in America. First retail outlet of Woolworths in Britain was on Church Street in Liverpool. The very concept of Woolworths was clear right from the beginning; it sold everything from merchandise to household from three pence onwards to six pence. The idea behind the Woolworths pricing was to introduce a low cost retail store, where people can buy almost everything under one roof for as low as six pence. Woolworths was already a strong competitor to the existing retail stores in Britain. The Evolution of Woolworths then took place and this retail store was an instant hit in Britain, after a decade there was a new store opening every 17 days. The other speciality of Woolworths was the concept of pick ‘ n mix which was a completely new concept to British high streets, this was also a result to Woolworths becoming an instant hit in Britain. It was the first retail chain in Britain , and so it did keep the pace with the rapidly growing consumer demand. It also constantly kept updating its fashion products, merchandise, and entertainment. From its first inception till the very recent times, it had undergone numerous ups and downs in its business. In Late 90s Woolworths started to slip from its position in the London Stock Exchange, and the share prices were decreasing constantly, giving a chance to its competitors in this new generation to build a strong position in the market of retail chain. After this Woolworths failed to meet the changing customer demands and hence its market was taken over by a number of new competitors in the market. Woolworths is still familiar and fondly remembered as a 99 year old retail chain but, as the customer demands changed which proved that Woolworths couldnt keep the pace with the changing customer needs and finally ended itself in an unrecoverable position. This impact was even more intense because of the credit crunch. Aims: †¢ To investigate if business operations of Woolworths led to its demise. †¢ To investigate if the financial condition of Woolworths, led to its demise Objectives: †¢ To indentify if there was an operational failure, that led to Woolworths demise †¢ To identify if the financial condition of Woolworths, led to its demise. Research Questions: †¢ To what extent business operations of Woolworths influence its demise? †¢ Was the demise of Woolworths predictable from the companys financial situation before its demise? Methodology: The data will be collected from different sources like newspapers, journals, reports of the financial status of the company before the downfall. Companys Balance sheets will be collected to identify if there were any short comings in the companys finances that led to its demise. Key Financial Indicators and Ratios will be explained in brief and the formulae for calculating the ratios will be explained as they are in the theories. Also the articles on the same will be collected. The data collected will be purely financial data or the data which indicate the financial status of the company. Reports, journals and articles will be collected to understand how Woolworths failed as a business after 99 years of its first inception. Different views of the authors, writers and public will be taken into consideration while evaluating the data. Data will be collected to focus on the operations of Woolworths and its effects on Woolworths demise. Data will collected to analyse how Woolworths operated before the demise and nearing its demise. The overall aspects of operations that will be focussed are marketing, sales, business strategy as a whole group in order to analyse the operations of Woolworths. Analysis: After the data has been collected from the above mentioned sources, it will be evaluated by comparing it with the concepts like Key Financial Indicators and Ratios in theories, textbooks and other journals, and then a conclusion will be reached. The analysis of the companys balance sheets of last three years will be put through this rigorous comparison against the ideal financial situation described in theories and textbooks and will be then evaluated to reach to a conclusion. The data from the reports and journals will be evaluated through different key business strategies and other aspects of business like Marketing etc to reach to a conclusion whether or not Woolworths could change itself to the changing needs to the consumers. The other reports from various authors will help us to investigate whether there were one or more reasons for its downfall. This will also help the argument in the case of Woolworths downfall by authors and writers in different sources. The operations of Woolworths will be gauged in terms of business planning, customer service, marketing, competition, various sales techniques and overall business strategy. Definitions and the theories of the above mentioned topics by authors and textbooks will be used as the reference to evaluate the efficiency levels in operations of Woolworths. Woolworths operations will be studied in detail from the data sources and will be compared to the business operations theories by authors to evaluate the efficiency in operations of Woolworths and then a conclusion will be reached. Conclusion: To be Obtained. Bibliography: †¢ Streetwise Financing the Small Business: Raise Money for Your Business at Any Stage of Growth, By Charles H. Green. Published by Adams Media, 2003. †¢ Results: How to Assess Performance, Learning, and Perceptions in Organizations, By Richard A. Swanson, Ed Holton, Elwood F. Holton. Published by Berrett-Koehler, 1999 †¢ Finance for Non-Financial Managers: A Briefcase Book, By Gene Siciliano. Published by McGraw-Hill Professional, 2003 †¢ The Basics of Finance: Financial Tools for Non-Financial Managers, By Bryan E. Milling. Published by iUniverse, 2003. †¢ The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers, By Edward Fields. Published by AMACOM Div Mgmt Assn, 2002. †¢ International Business: Environments and Operations, By John D. Daniels, Lee H. Radebaugh, Michael Payne. Published by Addison-Wesley, 1995. †¢ The Disaster Recovery Handbook: A Step-by-step Plan to Ensure Business Continuity and Protect Vital Operations, Facilities, and Assets, By Michael Wallace, Lawrence Webber. Published by AMACOM Div Mgmt Assn, 2004. †¢ Intro to Business: Finance, Marketing, Operations, Management, By Les Dlabay, James L. Burrow, Steven A. Eggland, Jim Burrow. Published by Thomson South-Western, 2005. †¢ Operations Management in Business, By Andrew Greasley. Published by Nelson Thornes, 1999. †¢ Hoovers Handbook of World Business 2004: Profiles of Major Global Enterprises, By Hoovers, Incorporated, Hoovers, Incorporated. Published by Hoovers, Incorporated, 2004. †¢ Business Review Weekly: BRW, Published by Business Review Weekly, 2006. †¢ The Revitalisation of Woolworths Case Study, By Dennis Turner, Australian Graduate School of Management Centre for Corporate Change, Centre for Corporate Change. Published by Centre for Corporate Change, 1992. †¢ Remembering Woolworths: A Nostalgic History of the Worlds Most Famous Five-and-Dime, By Karen Plunkett-Powell. Published by St. Martins Press, 2001. †¢ http://www.rahoitustarkastus.fi/NR/rdonlyres/FA79ECF5-B480-4109-92FA-DF81C51B9477/0/20313L4.pdf †¢ http://www.sasb.wa.gov.au/DataStore/files/Categories/Financial%20Reporting%20Requirements/Financial%20Reporting%20Policy_Explanatory%20Notes%20as%20of%2013.11.2006.pdf †¢ http://www.tec.govt.nz/templates/standard.aspx?id=1222 †¢ http://www.tec.govt.nz/templates/standard.aspx?id=1223 †¢ http://www.businessfinance.com/books/workbook/BusinessFundingWorkbook028.htm †¢ http://www.startribune.com/business/37143589.html?elr=KArks:DCiU1OiP:DiiUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUU †¢ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/recession/3528082/History-of-Woolworths.html †¢ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/3482687/Woolworths-a-brief-history-in-pictures.html †¢ http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/retailing/article5237402.ece †¢ http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/offline-shopping-misc/woolworths/1051087/ †¢ http://www.publishinggame.com/art_whysmallbusinessesfail.htm †¢ http://www.captureplanning.com/articles/69960.cfm? †¢ http://www.allbusiness.com/business-planning-structures/business-plans/1440-1.html
Sunday, January 19, 2020
If I Could Tell You Essay Essay
TimeTime, said to be eternal, possess neither a beginning nor an end. Yet however there is a fixation on being able to measure it in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Trying to save time with new technology, manage time with multi-tasking activities. All in the hopes of giving meanings to the past, present and future. The past is able to been seen but not changed, today is in the present yet still unpredictable, and tomorrow is not guaranteed. If I Could Tell You by W. H. Auden is a villanelle much like others using rhyme, repetition, and meter, that revolve around the main idea of the continuity time and its unforeseeable nature. The rhyming of the alternating ending lines, â€Å"Time will say nothing but I told you so†(1) and â€Å"If I could tell you I would let you know†(3) keep the rhyme scheme which stays on the central themes. â€Å"Time will say nothing but i told you so†shows that time keeps going, because this is a statement. Although the things of the future are unforeseeable, it is guaranteed that in the end the only one who will know what will happen is Time. â€Å"If I could tell you I would let you know†show how unforeseeable Time is. Auden knows that he can not see into the future, which is why he says â€Å"If I could†¦ †. These two phrases depict the speakers understanding of the continuity of time even though he shows to have a desire to know ahead of time what to do before certain events. The villanelle itself has a rhythm as a whole through periodical thinking. The beginning shows how Time does not wait for anything or anyone, â€Å"nothing but I told you so†. He later goes on to question Time in the second stanza and if we should fight back, which is why he says â€Å"weep when clowns put on their show†and â€Å"stumble when musicians play†which are juxtapositions since these actions are not likely given the circumstances. The third stanza shows the shift as he begins to understand that Time is necessary and things have to happen for a reason, â€Å"the winds must come from somewhere†. In the fourth stanza his train of thought is nearing a conclusion as he begins to wonder if not only do things have to happen, but are they meant to happen for the greater good, â€Å"Perhaps the roses really want to grow†. The ending shows Audens maturity throughout the villanelle and ends with â€Å"If I could tell you I would let you know †stating that Time is out of his hands, but it is acceptable and if there was anyway he could help, he would. Throughout the villanelle, time is personified and introduced to the reader as an unreliable character, through. Auden blames Time for unwanted changes in life, and he repeats the line because he observes that all changes, even those that are unintentional, come with Time. The repetition of Time at the end of the stanza rather than the beginning or end display how eternal time is. The first part of each stanza question Time, but all ends with â€Å"Time will say nothing but I told you so†, explaining that whatever Auden thinks or observes, will all be part of the past in the future. Much like poetry as a whole, used to express emotion and speechless opinions, the villanelle is almost perfect fitting for the theme of time. A villanelles structure alone portrays almost a near exhibition of time. Through the first five stanzas, a villanelle is predictable with tercets although the last stanza is a quatrain. This depiction could be metaphorical that time can be planned although in the end, everything may not come to together as hoped. The meter only emphasises this metaphor more by breaking the alternating line in each of the tercets before at the end. Audens desire to be able to match time is emphasized by the repetition of two phrases by the structure of the poem, which in itself helps portray the author’s idea about times continuity and its unforeseeable nature.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
American Culture
Every person has his/her own way of surviving life. We have our own beliefs that keep us alive. We have a set of rules that are set by the perspectives we kept even when we are still young. With this, we have ideas that differ from others. Religion is a part of our being that can define the person that we are in a lot of circumstances before our religions have its own set of moral and ethical values. Christianity for example is a widespread religion that was also used to conquer a number of countries around the world.However, Christianity has this certain belief about the life after someone’s death. This is patterned with the life of Jesus Christ who serves to be the Savior of the World from God’s punishments for being sinners. Religion has developed as time passed by having a number of trials and oppressors. In America, religion has also changed the way leaders and its people look into life. An example is that, people who believe in their religion depend on it at times of cruelties. They face difficult times in different ways such that there are those who call for Buddha and for God.Moreover, American life changed in having slaves by which, they have abolished the notion of having slaves that would cater their needs like some household chores and farm works. Reports show that slavery in America can be seen widely among its places especially in the northernmost colonies. Since for Christianity, the Bible say that the story of men also has some slaves, punished people, it is allowable that 40% of the families there own a slave. But Mennonites in the year 1688 tried to raise that slavery must be opposed and from that time, there had been arguments of removing this set – up.Even if there were â€Å"good slaveries†, they argued that being a slave itself is very degrading. It may lower the self – esteem of a person and might give them a perspective that their life are a little worthless than their bosses. Revolution was done to end this cruel set – up. There are also movements against the Christians who pursued doing bad things with other people with lower status than they have. It was with the revolts of these oppressed that they realized that the worth of other people be treated with significance.American until now might be enslaved by the thought of being superior if there are no other forces who tried to oppose them and make their spirits be awakened. In the sermons of Jonathan Edwards, he stated that God was with him the time he was all alone. For that matter, I think that with this very strong belief, Americans are able to be living with the likeness of spreading goodness especially when they are being sinners themselves for a long time. Religion has become the moving force of America that draws them close to civilization and developments.Moreover, it can move them to a life that is more productive and meaningful. Religion caused a lot of change in America that should be well taken in the minds o f its students as Educations has also been the priority of the government. Immigrants American has been termed to become the salad bowl by which many people from other countries settle. With that, there are many cultures that are being inside it for a long time. There is an argument though that American is not a salad bowl but a melting pot of people. Salad bowl is a set up by which all its ingredients are mixed together but not altering its shape and composition.This is what we call in science a heterogeneous mixture that apparently still has the characteristics of it components detectible. On the other hand, melting pot defines a homogeneous mixture that makes its constituents one. For instance, America being a melting pot described that the culture of the people who migrated there might have forgotten their own culture and had been accustomed with living like the true Americans. But can there be real Americans given that there are already many circumstances that they have been mi xed with other cultures years ago?Generally speaking, the immigration of people will more likely be causing the American a confusion of culture that will show that there is no specific culture in the country. Moreover, the risk of having immigrants will take them to a situation that will really reduce their privileges of expressing their own as they may want to have a good relationship with others. It may be noted though that the effects of the immigrant vary from time to time. When America has not yet settled its forces that will protect it from oppressors, it is very open with the people and countries that have bad and greedy motives over the country.It is only during the last 2 centuries that America has established a force that will prohibit other country to terrorize them and eventually, conquer it again. Luckily, America as of the moment stands tall with the ideology of being superior among the others. It was on the survey that there is only a very few percentage of Native Ame ricans in the State today. Approximately 1% of them are those with the pure blood of Americans. There were very little accounts that clearly state the original occupants of America.In what I have heard for a long time, America has been occupied by the red Indians which were also told to become the true native occupants of America. It was only when some White Americans tried to colonize the Indians that they were put on a situation not to oppose but to leave. Having a lot of settlers in America is both good and bad for some reasons. Good because the country is giving a number of opportunities to other people regarding careers and jobs. On the other hand, it is somehow a negative thing since immigration might be opening the country again to an occurrence of colonization.It may open the avenues of the terrorist to populate the country and soon become conquered by other nations. References Thomas Paine. (1776). The Crisis. Retrieved 19 May 2008 from http://www. ushistory. org/paine/cris is/c-01. htm John Edwards. (2008). Personnal Narrative. Retrieved 19 May 2008 from http://www. apuritansmind. com/JonathanEdwards/JonathanEdwards-Biographical- EdwardsPersonalNarrative. htm J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur. Letters from an American Farme. Retrieved 19 May 2008 from http://xroads. virginia. edu/~hyper/CREV/letter03. html
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Personal Reflection My Internship Essay - 1551 Words
Critical Reflection Overview of my internship Mid July I was searching for an internship opportunity for the fall semester in the Lansing area. I felt that in order to separate myself from my peers and climb to the top of my class that I needed to add more work experience under my belt. After searching on multiple job posting websites, I finally stumbled across an Accounting Internship at a Medical IT company. I applied and instantly heard back that I was offered an interview. A few weeks later, I made the trip from my hometown (Kalamazoo) to East Lansing to interview. The interview was very brief, however, it went very well. I ended up receiving an offer a few days later. As I thought that I would only make the long haul across I-94 and up I-69 that one time until school started, I was very wrong. The Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services (MiHIN) wanted to me start as soon as possible. So, for the entire month of August, I commuted to East Lansing 3 times a week. After summer concluded, I packed up my belongings a nd headed to East Lansing for the start of my sophomore year. I was extremely excited to start another year, and have a new experience working at a new job. Agenda As this paper is quite lengthy, I wanted to state a brief agenda to highlight what I will be writing about. 1. My learning experiences at MiHIN 2. The challenges I encountered throughout my internship 3. The connection between my academia and my work experience 4. An overallShow MoreRelatedFinance Internship Journal: China Securities Co. Ltd1221 Words  | 5 PagesFinance Internship Journal Host Company: China Securities Co., Ltd. Introduction China Securities Co., Ltd. makes offering of services including financial advisory and securities brokerage services. It provides security underwriting, initial public offering, and financial consulting services. The firm was founded in 2005 and is based in Beijing, China. 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