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Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rewording - Essay Example What was the degree of trouble of the performed medical procedure? Was the specialist not ready to execute the ...
Monday, September 30, 2019
Educational Reforms in Bhutan
The purpose of the article is to discuss the weaknesses of Bhutan’s educational reforms focusing on how the educational system is not able prepare the youth for the world of work. The author implicitly discusses two questions. The first question pertains to how the education reforms fail to provide the youth with better knowledge, skills and values to match employers’ needs. The second question relate to how the educational system should be reformed to address the employment challenge. The author has used descriptive method designed to provide rich descriptive details of education reforms in Bhutan between 1961 and 2008.This article is targeted at policy makers, educationalists and public. While the research design involved in-depth narrative analysis, it did not use scientific inquiry into the subject, especially the empirical analysis and hypothesis testing. Rather than making some sweeping statement, the author could have supported those statements with some empirica l analysis. However, the article can serve as the first step towards more rigorous research, as it identifies important factors leading to mismatch of education and employment in the country.The author begins by discussing the overall context of the education-employment mismatch in the country. The historical development of education system was discussed explaining the low enrolment rate in the beginning (1960s), positive change in the Bhutanese people’s attitude towards western education, and now the problem of enrolment pressure. He discusses (with figures) a growing difference in the quantitative expansion of educational facilities and the sharp rise in enrolment rate.The author also discussed about the growing number of school dropouts, entering the job markets unprepared to meet the needs and expectations of the public and private employers. He contrasts the unemployment problem in general with the shortage of workforce in the agriculture sector. The author does not ment ion about field research, interviews or literature reviews based on which he tried to answer his research questions. The analysis identifies six main factors of the high youth unemployment scenario in the country.These factors are inadequate education quality, limited diversity of educational tracks, mismatch between demand and supply of the youth, youth’s preference for civil service, reluctance to enter the private sector and negative attitude towards blue collar jobs. These factors are valid, but they are not consistent with the topic and research questions, that is, education reforms in Bhutan. By discussing these factors, the article is concerned more about the overall youth unemployment rather than focusing on the aspects of education system such as curriculum, pedagogy, infrastructure, quality, etc (the title seem to point out). Educational Reforms in Bhutan The purpose of the article is to discuss the weaknesses of Bhutan’s educational reforms focusing on how the educational system is not able prepare the youth for the world of work. The author implicitly discusses two questions. The first question pertains to how the education reforms fail to provide the youth with better knowledge, skills and values to match employers’ needs. The second question relate to how the educational system should be reformed to address the employment challenge. The author has used descriptive method designed to provide rich descriptive details of education reforms in Bhutan between 1961 and 2008.This article is targeted at policy makers, educationalists and public. While the research design involved in-depth narrative analysis, it did not use scientific inquiry into the subject, especially the empirical analysis and hypothesis testing. Rather than making some sweeping statement, the author could have supported those statements with some empirica l analysis. However, the article can serve as the first step towards more rigorous research, as it identifies important factors leading to mismatch of education and employment in the country.The author begins by discussing the overall context of the education-employment mismatch in the country. The historical development of education system was discussed explaining the low enrolment rate in the beginning (1960s), positive change in the Bhutanese people’s attitude towards western education, and now the problem of enrolment pressure. He discusses (with figures) a growing difference in the quantitative expansion of educational facilities and the sharp rise in enrolment rate.The author also discussed about the growing number of school dropouts, entering the job markets unprepared to meet the needs and expectations of the public and private employers. He contrasts the unemployment problem in general with the shortage of workforce in the agriculture sector. The author does not ment ion about field research, interviews or literature reviews based on which he tried to answer his research questions. The analysis identifies six main factors of the high youth unemployment scenario in the country.These factors are inadequate education quality, limited diversity of educational tracks, mismatch between demand and supply of the youth, youth’s preference for civil service, reluctance to enter the private sector and negative attitude towards blue collar jobs. These factors are valid, but they are not consistent with the topic and research questions, that is, education reforms in Bhutan. By discussing these factors, the article is concerned more about the overall youth unemployment rather than focusing on the aspects of education system such as curriculum, pedagogy, infrastructure, quality, etc (the title seem to point out).
Sunday, September 29, 2019
It’s Better To Be Feared Than Loved Essay
It is easier to rule with terror and fear than to force the people to be happy and to love the ruler. According to Machiavelli, to be an effective ruler, one must rule without a moral conscience, because feelings and emotions would interfere with difficult decisions. In the play, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Macbeth is a notorious leader who rules with the power of fear among his people and leaves behind his moral conscience. Macbeth is a successful ruler with terror because he causes Duncan’s heirs, Donalbain and Malcolm to flee Scotland, he gains authority quickly and with little suspicion, and displays acts of justice towards Macduff. Macbeth instills fear among Duncan’s heirs who are supposed to take the throne if Duncan was to die. After everyone discovers that Duncan had been murdered, Donalbain and Malcolm acts quickly and flees Scotland in order to protect themselves. Donalbain says to Malcolm, â€Å"What should be spoken here, where our fate, hide in an auger hole, may rush and seize us? Let’s away. Our tears are not yet brewed†(II.iii.12-15). Because of Macbeth’s actions, he successfully takes control and causes Donalbain and Malcolm to flee. This makes it easier for Macbeth to become king. They both agree to separate, and Malcolm says, â€Å"What will you do? Let’s not consort with them. To show an unfelt sorrow is an office which the false man does say. I’ll to England†(II.iii. 127-129). With the both of them out of the country, and out of Macbeth’s Cao way, Macbeth takes the throne and is the new king of Scotland. This action proves that it is better to be feared than loved. Macbeth attains his authority quickly because he terrifies Duncan’s heirs. He did not have to wait a long time for his power. Once Macbeth is the king, he holds a state banquet to celebrate his authority. Banquo says to Macbeth, â€Å"Let your Highness command upon me, to the which my duties are with a most indissoluble tie forever knit†(III.i.12-14). The only character who suspects Macbeth of doing evil deeds in order to get the throne is Banquo, but Macbeth has him killed before he can demolish Macbeth’s authority and reign. Upon hiring the murders to kill Banquo, Macbeth thinks without his moral conscious. Not only did Macbeth gain power quickly, but he sustains his power for quite some time. Macbeth proves that ruling with fear is more effective, because he does not have to work hard to gain the people of Scotland’s love and affection. Instead, he uses the quick and easy way to hold his position among Scotland. Macbeth gives justice to Macduff because he betrays his homeland by fleeing to England. Macbeth kills Lady Macduff and her son in order to protect him from the first apparition. At the Macduff household, Lady Macduff says, â€Å"He had none, his flight was madness. When our actions do not, our fears do make us traitors†(IV.ii.3-5). Macduff is seen as a traitor to Macbeth because he had fled the country. Macbeth gives justice to Scotland and his citizens by having his family murdered. His tactics upon murdering Macduff’s family keep Scottish citizens in fear. His terrorizing actions make Macbeth a successful leader. It was better for Macbeth to rule with fear because he was able to terrorize Duncan’s heirs, gain his power quickly, and gives justice to Macduff. Macbeth becomes treacherous, but his power only becomes more apparent. As a ruler, to gain respect, obedience, and loyalty, he or she must rule with fear because it is easier to be feared than to gain one’s love.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Sleeplessness as a Cause of Obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sleeplessness as a Cause of Obesity - Essay Example Despite this research, experts are of the view that various confounding factors are playing their role in depicting the link between sleeplessness and obesity. Experts are not convinced that they have objective reasons to believe in the cause-effect relationship between sleeplessness and obesity. Nevertheless, it has generally been observed that people that take a regular 8 hr night sleep are quite lesser at risk of becoming obese than people who remain awake. Past cases suggest an inverse relationship between the average sleep time and the obesity rate. I personally think that there is a direct relationship between sleeplessness and obesity. The author provided two reasons for believing there is an inverse link. In response to them, I present my own two reasons that suggest that there is a direct link between the two. Firstly, when an individual remains awake rather than sleep, he/she is constantly exerting either mentally or physically or both. This exertion lowers the energy level and the stored energy in the form of fat is consumed. There is little chance that the individual would consume a full meal in the night like he/she does in the day because the body is not attuned to the consumption at night. Secondly, when the metabolism remains low for the rest of the day after a sleepless night, an individual is likely to consume lesser food than what he/she would consume in normal circumstances. Both of these are strong possibilities and both keep the individual from gaining weight. In fact, I personally lost 3 kilos weight during la st exams when I had to remain awake all night long for several nights consecutively. Having presented my two reasons, I know why I lost those 3 kilos. I did not eat anything during the nights, and also would not eat much in the following days. Constant mental exertion in the nights and lower metabolism during the days would have helped me lose 3 kilos. The article made me feel good. Though I don’t fully believe the argument, yet it would be nice even if it is true because I would not have to remain awake to lose weight in that case!
Friday, September 27, 2019
No Topic Needed. This is only essay assignment
No Topic Needed. This is only essay - Assignment Example In the year 1914, countries such as Germany and Great Britain increased their forces, especially the navies. Thus, with time the establishment of the military became influential on the public and the entire public policies. Therefore, an increase in militarism assisted in pushing the nations into the world war. Mutual alliances for defense or rather defense agreements among countries in Europe were key causes of the World War 1. Whenever a nation was attacked, allied countries moved in to defend them. For instance, Australia and Hungary declared a war on the Serbia nation when Russia decided to defend Serbia. On seeing that, Germany declared against Russia and France mobilized its forces against Germany, Australia and Hungary. Later, Japan, United States and Italy entered the war. America initially played a neutral nation until the death of Archduke of Australia-Hungary. This murder gave rise to the most destructive war in history. In addition, trade with the most super power nations by then was cut by greater percentages. This prompted the German navy to attack America from the sea. After about two years of attack, America decided to join the Great War. The Second World War was caused by a number of factors; both short term and long term. To start with, the Treaty of Versailles angered the Weimar Germany thus stimulating conflicts across the German nation. Secondly, the League of Nations’ inability to deal with major global issues was major cause of the war. Thus, the League failed to control the power of nations which were against the International Law. America fully got involved in the Second World War in the year 1939 after the Pearl Harbor’s attack. This followed the announcement by Frankline Roosevelt that United States would no longer engage in trade with Japan. In the year 1941, United States froze all the assets that belonged to Japan. Thus, the Japanese attacked and killed more than two thousand Americans.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Club IT, Part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Club IT, Part 1 - Essay Example The business entity which is in focus in this case is Club IT. This is one of the new and emerging nightclubs which aims at capturing the hearts of the young revelers who would like to enjoy contemporary good music. The club has the mission of reaching out to the many potential revelers through the provision of quality services. The management of the club is of the opinion that the revelers are the ones who are supposed to be in control of what they get. For this reason, there is a need for an adequate information or feedback channel which will see to it that the management of the club gets to know what the revelers want and therefore go ahead and provide this to them. There are some issues which come up and are supposed to be addressed. In this case, the first thing that comes into perspective is to do with customer care management. The first thing which should be understood is that the collection of information in the course of the activities of a night club is something which may prove to be rather difficult for the managers of the night club and even the owner. This is majorly because the environment under which the night club operates does not necessarily create room for instantaneous feedback from the patrons who flock the night club. However, this is not to say that it is an impossibility to get this information from these individuals. currently, many nightclubs have engaged in social media. These clubs open up social media accounts from where they can interact with their customers and get feedback from them. This is something which has proved to be totally worth it to the clubs since they can easily get the much needed feedback from the patrons and after this they can see to it that they work on addressing some of the issues which are raised by the customers in the course of communication. This communication will not only be between the club and the customers but also amongst the customers or even the potential customers. For example, when a patron in t he night club uploads to Facebook a photo of the club or updates a status that points out probably the good services and pricing, it goes without saying that people might want to flock the place and sample that which was being referred to. In the modern business environment what many business are focusing on is the improvement of services, reduction of costs and at the same time generation of profits. In this light what most of them do is to adapt ways that can lead to this. In the current times these methods usually involve the revolutionized technology that is available world over. Again it is important to note that the adaptation of such measures puts the business at a better position in the industry as compared to the businesses that have not adapted the technology in their business operations. One of the ways in which companies achieve this goal is through the adaptation of business-oriented software such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The system which is to be implemen ted in this case ought to be one which will help the management of Club IT manage its finances, which is the most crucial thing in the operations. At the same time, there ought to be the provision of insights particularly to the managerial decisions which will be made and implemented in the course of business operations. The one thing which should be understood in this case is that these are some of the things which should be incorporated in the operations
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 51
Marketing - Essay Example This shows that company is struggling with its marketing functions, but is still recording a below the industry’s average performance. It still requires the company to put much more efforts on marketing to improve on its marketing performance. The business strategy in the 2nd year could possibly have been that of investing its finances on the future performance of the company as well as improving its effectiveness in marketing. It is very evident that the company achieved the highest in performance of the industry performance on marketing effectiveness with 0.80 performances which is also the industry highest performance. This shows that the company employed a lot of its efforts on the marketing strategies so as to improve its market share as well as competitiveness and create market awareness among other marketing functions. On the other hand, out of the possible maximum company performance on investment in the future of 2.24, the company was able to score way above the industry average and almost the reaching the industry highest by scoring 2.14. This shows that the company is much concerned about the going concern of the company and would like to see the company stand even more firm in the future than the today’ s company’s creation of wealth. This is even why the company’s wealth performance is very low since it ploughs-back much of its profits into future
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Chapter 11 Review Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Chapter 11 Review Questions - Essay Example An organization needs to understand both internal and external environment. Thereafter, find the best strategy that suits the specific environment, implement the strategy and afterwards evaluate the outcome, as Henry Mintzberg, (1988) explains. Strategic vision of an association according to Bain and Company provides a an optimal state desires of a company over time. It provides the guidelines on what the company is planning to achieve in five to ten years. On the other hand, the mission statement provides the current focus and reason for existence of a company,. Strategic management process provides a platform for managing organizational change. Each day, through research and development, companies makes new changes in performance, staffing etc. and its therefore relevant to have the strategic management process which will help in understanding the workforce, evaluation the right strategies to put across and how to implement. This monitoring therefore helps to adapt to various changes that come across. Leaders plays important role in any organizational change implementation. To have a successful change implementation, leadership ensure that every needed tool for the implementation is availed at the right time, Philips et al.(1983).. Leadership plays an oversight role in ensuring every department tasked performs their tasks accordingly. According to Kotter’s eight stage model of planned change, the company has to create urgency of what it needs to perform. Through formation of a coalition, the company needs to convince people on the need for change. Having a bigger vision over the planned change is important for the change to be effected since people will know the need for doing something. After identifying the change, the company has to communicate the vision and remove any obstacle that may prevent change implementation. Furthermore, the company needs to have a build-up of the change while short
Monday, September 23, 2019
Decision-Making and Corporate Restructuring Essay
Decision-Making and Corporate Restructuring - Essay Example This relevant process is described based on the perception and management style of its influential leader, Mr William S. Stravopoulos. In the past few years, Dow Chemical has been undergoing massive restructuring as indicated by the changes in its product lines. It is observed to be focusing on chemistry-related businesses for the company to achieve its goals - both in the short-term and long-term. For Mr Stravopoulos, making major decisions should start with the critical analysis of the products offered by the company and the business in which it is in as a whole. This initially entails the identification of the company's strengths or core competencies. This stage also requires distinguishing the areas in which the company can never excel due to the presence of formidable competitors or lack of technical know-how. Decisions are then made based on these areas identified by the company where its core competencies or weaknesses lie. As per the CEO's style, Dow Chemical opted to divest business units with lackluster performance and focus its resources on the core competencies noted. This sets the general direction of restructuring (Hodgetts) Moreover, decision-making should be planned carefully and done systematically. It involves systematic thinking in which a game plan is conceived. The game plan comprises of the step-by-step procedures or strategically phased courses of action. This means that after determining the company's business objectives, formulating of strategies for the achievement of these goals follows. In the case of Dow Chemical, its business objectives emphasize improvement of quality, reduction of operating cost, change of company culture and fostering of growth. To achieve these, the company came up with a corporate plan divided into two phases - the positioning stage and growth stage. The positioning phase focuses on the achievement of the first three objectives. When these are accomplished, the growth phase wherein the company aims for expansion commences. (Hodgetts) Another important factor in decision-making is the sharing of relevant information. Key people should be sufficiently aware of what is happening in the company. When people know what is going on, Mr Stravopoulos believes that they could make better decisions expediently. This is beneficial for the company because people are empowered to make good and timely decisions as well as lessen corporate bureaucracy. (Hodgetts) Furthermore, the CEO believes that well-informed decision-making is an integral part of the business. As such, Dow Chemical invests substantially in research and development (Hodgetts). Not only would extensive research and development contribute valuable information for decision-making, but they also drive continuous product innovation. In running a business, specifically for corporate restructuring, difficult decisions will have to be made. The Dow CEO is confronted with tough decisions like company downsizing, which is often a highly emotional undertaking (Hodgetts). However, such decisions would have to be made if the success of the company is desired. This means that in decision-making both the short term and long term aspects of the business should be taken into consideration. Employees may have a negative
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Sports commercials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sports commercials - Essay Example The next advertisement that is very successful in its marketing strategy is the Adam Oates NHL commercial. This ad is clever because it involves sexuality in the form of a woman to provoke thought. The ad uses phrases like â€Å"patrols the offensive zone,†and â€Å"loose rebounds†to compare hockey with picking up a date. This is clever on the part of the advertisers because they make hockey seem fashionable to the viewing public by contrasting scoring on the hockey field with scoring on the dating front.The next advertisement that is very successful in its marketing strategy is the Adam Oates NHL commercial. This advertisement is clever because it involves sexuality in the form of a woman to provoke thought. The ad uses phrases like â€Å"patrols the offensive zone,†and â€Å"loose rebounds†to compare hockey with picking up a date. This is clever on the part of the advertisers because they make hockey seem fashionable to the viewing public by contrast ing scoring on the hockey field with scoring on the dating front. The final advertisement that I found to really hit the mark was the â€Å"NBA Cares†campaign, which contained three different ads. In the first two ads, a vast number of professional basketball players plead with the audience to help contribute to those in need. This strategy generally works because the audience likes to think that they are on the same level as their role models. The third ad combined the use of star power with everyday fans to get its message across.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Race and Ethnicity Essay Example for Free
Race and Ethnicity Essay The list comprised in this article is unfortunately true and eye opening. Many white people are unaware of the natural advantages that are written here. They take it for granted thinking everyone else is also entitled to these rights. Since I am not white, I can clearly see that these are privileges given to whites only. I can even say that I have never experience some of the things written in McIntosh’s list. I disagree with many of these terms. The item on her list that I feel most strongly about is: 10. Whether I use checks, credit cards or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work against the appearance of my financial reliability. People should not relate other’s financial situation based on their skin color. That is very wrong. It has been engraved into people’s minds that all black people are on welfare or food stamps because they don’t work. But that is not true. Just because someone is black does not mean that they are poor and unable to support themselves. If you are judged for walking into a high end store just because of your skin color, that is very unfair. Race and ethnicity does not have anything to do with someone’s financial reliability. Another that I think is unfair is: 12. I can swear, or dress in second hand clothes, or not answer letters, without having people attribute these choices to the bad morals, the poverty, or the illiteracy of my race. For the same reason as the previous one, race should not be a factor in the judgment of others. McIntosh sees these are privileges for white only when in fact; it should not be a privilege. Anything written on this list should be given to everyone, regardless of the race. I definitely agree with McIntosh that: whites are taught to think of their lives as morally neutral, normative, and average, and also ideal, so that when we work to benefit others, this is seen as work which will allow â€Å"themâ€Å" to be more like â€Å"us.†The idea of white privilege relates to the themes of white power because it is giving whites an overall advantage in life. White privilege also relates to the themes of white supremacy because it makes them more powerful. Privilege is being of a favored state by birth or luck. If the things stated McIntosh is called privilege, then it is extremely misleading. The idea of white privilege makes them feel confident, comfortable, and oblivious; on the other hand, other groups were likely being made unconfident, uncomfortable, and alienated. White power and white supremacy is all about making white people the most powerful and advantageous, white privilege also supports that.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Indonesia the problem of trans boundary haze
Indonesia the problem of trans boundary haze Introduction Sustainability of environment becomes an embedded eco-political concern of development strategy in todays globalized world. In spite of encouraging economic growth, Transboundary haze pollution (THP) is incurring a serious menace to environment in South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Smoke haze resulted from land and forest fires frequently stemming from Indonesia, the largest country of this region, as a consequence of illegal logging, traditional agricultural actions and some adverse climate conditions like El Nino South Oscillation (ENSO) have imposed immense socio-economic and environmental costs for the whole region. Along with the constant threat of climate change and degradation of biodiversity, the direct measurable impacts comprise huge monetary loss especially for health damage, tourism losses, and industrial production losses. Singapore being the neighboring country of Indonesia also suffers a lot with the corollary. The people outcry always pressurizes the government to upho ld the countrys self-interest by mitigating the economic losses while inducing further stress to Indonesia. At the same time government also has to be diplomatic in its intra-regional approach of dealing with the issue. It is a difficult proposition and the question is how best Singapore can strategize its policy to extract best solution of this persisting hazard. Key Issue: From Singapores perspective, the THP is an outcome of environmental externality. Whole state of affairs is a bit complex since under the regional or bilateral framework, Singapore has very little to do to resolve the problem by itself. Sandler (1997) argues that haze free environment in ASEAN region is non-excludable and non-rivalrous aggregative type of public good whose total benefit is the totting up of individual efforts. Such an international public goods gives room for strategic actions by countries concerned that would result into sub-optimal outcomes. Sandler concludes that such strategic approach thus can create a Prisoners Dilemma if the costs offset the benefits. In this context, Lin and Rajan (2001) expressed their concern on failure of such multilateral solution due to conflicting preferences and priorities between countries for reducing these forms of pollution. Therefore, a bilateral approach towards ecological and eco-political strategic options rather than multilater al approach should be more effective for this THP. However, in terms of taking correct strategy, Singapore seems to be into a Prisoners Dilemma like situation, which is the key issue to be addressed for dealing with this long-lasting problem. Why this issue is the most important: ASEANs regional efforts to resolve THP has been facing stiff challenges due to lack of bindings and cooperation from all parties. Florano (2004-05) states that both 1995 ASEAN Cooperation Plan on Transboundary Pollution and RHAP of 1997 was ineffective due to its ASEAN ways emphasis on volunteerism. Jayachandaran (2005) refers that, Indonesia-the host of THP, has been so reluctant to implement the agreements due to its internal socio-political dynamics. Tan (2005) also argues that Indonesias mindset of non-ratification of ATHP has been disrupting effective regional cooperation from ASEAN countries in this issue. Tacconi et.al.,(2008), in addition to these, points on the lacking of international monitoring, compliance and inspection in ATHP. At such a dismal situation, Singapore irrespective of other affected countries has to decide its own strategies based on overall pay-off while coming out the disastrous situation with time. Solutions: Option-1. Induce more pressure on Indonesia: There is a group of analyst who think that impose bi-lateral pressure on Indonesia to act positively towards the problem. This is more a political approach. They argue for constant raising of this issue during bilateral meetings with Indonesian counterparts, which would work while reminding them about the adverse effect of this inaction would impact the bilateral relations. In fact, this is also supported by some evidences in recent past. Former foreign ministry official of Singapore Gerald Giam states that, Recommended Policy Actions: a. Trade barriers: Singapore has huge formal and informal cross-border trade with Indonesia. In fact, Indonesia is Singapores 4th largest trading partner in 2009 with total trade amounting to S$58.5 billion, up from S$75.1 billion in 2008 (source: IE Singapores StatLink, 2010). Singapore imports palm oil and rubber from Indonesia, while Indonesia hugely depends on Singapore for many manufacturing, electronics goods and services. Figure shows a significant trade advantage (measured in net export) in favor of Singapore. There are also many Singapore-based MNC in Indonesia. So any sorts of trade barrier could create some pressure on Indonesia at this moment. Singapore-Indonesia bilateral trade (S$ Thousands):Â Singapores Data 2008 2009 Imports 24,827,467 20,659,212 Exports 50,299,127 37,857,815 Total Trade 75,126,594 58,517,027 Source: IE Singapores StatLink b. Squeeze Other Development Projects: Singapore supports Indonesia to establish most competitive industrial zone at Batam, Bintan and Karimun free trade zone (BBK-FTZ)where they can develop electronic, shipbuilding and network storage and server industry which would bring huge economic boost for those region of Indonesia. So reducing the scale of investment or technological support would extend the pressure over Indonesia. c. Regional organization against Indonesian imputes approach: For mounting the pressure on Indonesia, Singapore government can act to form a group of sufferer incorporating the other countries like Malaysia, Brunei or Thailand and place their issue to International court for Environmental disputes. Malaysia already has taken necessary preparation to do that. This would be very unfortunate for this regional integrity, however, suffering countries the suffering countries could but think about that. Analysis of outcomes: Reacting towards the public outcry, Singapore government may have to go for such kind of compulsive policy as long as it works for a while. They can expect timely and effective actions taken by Indonesian government for rebuilding investors confidence in Indonesia, Indonesias international eminence and ASEANs integrity would not be affected. However, in the longer run, this pressurize policy would result instability in regional unity and integration. The concept and objective of ASEAN would be hampered as well. On the other hand, this policy would not be able to bring any instant solution to the problem. Option- 2. Intensify Cooperation to Indonesia with region-specific bilateral projects against THP: In a prisoners dilemma, the cooperation strategy often maximize the pay-off for both the parties. Though the THP is the externality resulted from Indonesia, but to get some positive implication of this problem, all concerned parties should effectively act and help each other in an integrated manner so that the degree of hazard comes down with time. After Sub-Regional Ministerial Steering Committee on Transboundary Haze Pollution (MSC) in November 2006, 35 fire-prone districts in 8 provinces have been identified into Indonesias Plan of Actions for immediate consideration. Indonesia has invited ASEAN countries to work together to develop its capability to tackle land and forest fires in those fire-prone areas. Singapore already has responded positively to extend its cooperation to Indonesias State Ministry of Environment (KLH) to implement the plans for managing land and forest fires at Jambi Province. Recommended Policy Actions: a. Extend technical and financial supports: The US$1 million Jambi province project seems to be a success so far. Recent study reveals that the number of hot spots explored from forest fires has reduced by one-fifth in last few years. So following the experience of this success, Singapore can extend its cooperation with technology and finance for some other regions that directly cause problem to them. b.More support areas: Some proactive prevention monitoring and approach can be initiated with best possible art-of-states. These may include: Socialization Workshop for farmers on Sustainable Farming (i.e. Cultivating crops without resorting to burning) Developing the Capacity of the locals in understanding and interpreting the Satellite images and hotspot information Developing local land-use map Installing Geographical Information System to facilitate the monitoring of fire and haze and assess accordingly Developing air and weather monitoring stations Enhance fire fighting and suppression Capacities of local people. c. Better monitoring and Positive feedbacks: The outcome of the above collaboration projects should be monitored in regular basis and the success part should be broadcast to others so that it would give positive signs to other nations to come forward resolving the long-lasting problem. Analysis of the outcomes: Certainly these collaboration projects would result more financial cost for Singapore. However, welfare should be ascertaining with the implication of comparative advantage frameworks. In fact, factors should be deployed according to the comparative advantages each country has. For instance, Singapore could provide technical and financial support with expertise in managing the environmental pollution wide-spreading, while Indonesia would provide with some cheaper labor and other infrastructures. Singapore can extend its support to some region especially the Sumatra that creates more problems to it. Again, more technology transfer would also ensure more earnings and ultimately a quicker recovery of the dire situation. Choosing the Option: Considering the following three factors Environmental Sustainability Short run Cost-Long run benefit Marginal cost of combating (for both Indonesia and Singapore) I would like to suggest implementing option-2 [cooperation] for Singapore government to combat against the adverse effect of THP since it will ensure betterment of environmental sustainability in this region with some long-term aggregated benefits for all using the comparative advantages of minimized cost.
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